Media Monitoring - How This Tool Works (Definition with Example)

Is your boss always on your head due to poor brand reviews? We all have faced this pressure once ever! Usually, we are stuck with no solution but not anymore.

You can take an easy escape from the situation by using media monitoring. You can hear multiple buzzwords of this topic, but ultimately they all run in the same loop.

So, media monitoring is all about keeping record of what people are talking about the company, brand, or products on media.

Media is a source that can uplift your work or can drag you down in seconds. This is a new trend that most of the recent companies keep their online profile updated.

Post new articles, blogs, and heir influencers or celebrities on social media platforms.

Let’s see an example for a clear visual; you must have heard about Gucci ‘a famous bag brand’ and know what the audience thinks about their recent collection.

By maximizing media monitoring tools, you can collect information about brand mentions on social media platforms such as Twitter, and Instagram and News articles and also blogs.

Where they advertise their products. This process gives an analysis of what people are liking and what not.

Seems simple, right? Well! Not that much, the most silly mistakes beginners make is tracking casual keywords, and due to that getting false outcomes.

In this post, we will share every detail you should know about media monitoring. So, let’s start deep theories of the digital world with a business twist.

What is Media Monitoring and why is it crucial?

So, I’m gonna tell you about media monitoring in very simple language listen; the work of media monitoring is to keep an eye on news, articles, blogs, and magazines, and gather details about what people are talking about our brand.

And which products they like and what not. Also what competitors are thinking about our brand.Which tools and platforms they are using?

Now, the question is how does this process take place? Well! In earlier times the analysts were done by cutting mentions of newspapers and magazines, cutting pieces of articles, and pasted all this in a clipbook.

With time and help of modern technology, this process is simplified and now machine learning, sophisticated algorithms, and strong processors to track, collect, and arrange mentions from all over the media universe.

Now hear this;

In Media monitoring, you should be always on alert mode to hear the conversation happening about your brand.

Listening to all the discussions across all the channels, on high volumes. Which is very essential.

So, each organization has different wants and requirements for media monitoring.

There are various types of media monitoring solutions, and these lies into three main categories:

  • Free or cheap options
  • Paid media monitoring platforms
  • Premium monitoring amenities.

This post is to let you know that these types of services and tools exist. If you want to know more about this then use this website.

Where and who to listen?

With a river of information flowing every minute, consuming all of them is next to impossible; well! No need to stress out as we have a solution.

We have researched and created a short list for you which will make your work easy and less time-consuming. Have a look at them;


The whole world is living on the internet now. So, the thing is; if you seriously want to uplift your brand by media monitoring.

Then you have to hear every conversation happening on the internet. Which requires watching a careful view on the biggest online news channels to the smallest articles.


The media monitoring has brought various changes with time but has not forgotten its roots. A part of the audience still choose newspapers and magazines to gather news.

Till the date, they cater their target audience in a well manner. The importance of print messages hasn’t reduced with time.

There must be something prestigious about it that kept it still alive in this busy world. It plays a vital role in how your brand is presented to the world.


In the era of cable subscriptions and televisions, there are still audiences who like to hear radio. Yes, as per a survey approximately 83% of Americans listen to traditional AM/FM radio.

That’s why for media monitoring you should consider information from radio FM.

Social Media

Social media is an ocean of content. The place is not only used as a medium of entertainment, now people promote their brands, and products here.

A wide range of audiences gets inspired by famous celebrities and influencers. Do you know that You Tube is the second-most used search engine and Tik Tok attracts over 1 billion users every month.

So, imagine if those famous people are praising your brand or reviewing your product how much the audience’s mind will be influenced? A lot of!

So, you should involve your interest in social media monitoring, listen to them, and hear about your brand conversations. This process is called social listening.

You can explore what products are getting good reviews and on what we have to work. You can discover all those social media influencers. By implementing these ways you can make a better brand. 


Last but not least, fifteen years ago, only 22% of the U.S. population was aware of what podcast is and now 75% of the population takes interest in podcasts. 

With time so many big names have been established in this field and now there are more than 2 million different podcasts and around 48 million episodes covering niches like; crime, public relations, and pop culture.

It can be an ordinary remark by the host about your brand or a speech by your brand person to be a guest on the show, you need to hear the conversation carefully.

3 causes of media monitor

Media monitoring is very significant to PR growth. Through public relations, you can create a good image in the mind of media and audience.

This publicity stunt is very effective and shows a positive impact on the brand. You need to know what is happening, not only with how your own company is presented and looks but also keep an eye on how your competitors are working and what is running in the industry.

With that, we are explaining few important reasons to  monitor media;

1. Acknowledging your Target Audience

When you look at your brand, you can get a clear vision of your target audience.

You will understand better what they like and what not, how they treat your competitors, what likes and dislikes they observe of your industry, and how they appreciate your products which they like.

This information will permit you to better communicate and reputation with your audience…that is what the whole concept of PR, right? 

2. Brand esteem and perception

Reputation of your brand relies on your business. And this is as strong as how your brand is thought of.

Media monitoring can guide you discover future crises and diminish damage by a fast and intellectual response.

It is also important to create a strategic impactful reputation management plan, in which you should be active rather than reactive.

And one important point— an image is worth a thousand words. Which means, that working on visual representation is equally beneficial as brand endorsement and advertisement. 

This picture should be so powerful that even if there is no text mentioned in the magazine or blog, it can transfer your thoughts to the audience.

If you are unaware about what people are saying about your brand you might live in a bubble; misconceptions are harmful for the brand.

So, you should know your audience’s reviews about the brand; so that you can communicate wisely, and increase transparency, your originality, and healthy relationship. The conclusion: A greater reputation.

3. Reduction in Risk

Every company has faced risks; it’s a part of growing business. Acknowledging and reducing future risks are managed by internal departments, and how media monitoring can help here is explained below;

  • Supplier-related risks are solved by media monitoring by issuing new suppliers.
  • Monitoring possible risk from conversion to the judiciary landscape you work within.
  • Observing what competitors are taking in the market, and in return what consequences are taking place.

Who should use media monitoring?

I will convey this information in a subtle way…

If you are an employee in a company that has relations with the public in any sense like; (customers, investors, employees, volunteers, donors, neighbors, or anything.)

If you look after reputation and public insights, then it requires media monitoring.

So, if you come up with urban thoughts, and want to discover the chances and risks that could open a new door for your organization.

Then record and observe what competitors are taking, what issues people are facing, and how we can make a better brand.

All this information and analysis are made by media monitoring. Let’s see few scenarios where this lies;

  1. Startups and small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  2. Large businesses
  3. Advocacy groups, associations, and non-profit organizations.
  4. Public and government administration
  5. PR and communications agencies.

Best media monitoring tools for every problem solver.

Tracing and analyzing media content daily is a serious issue for PR professionals and smaller brands too. It is difficult to find which tool is accurate and authentic.

No worries! This post is here telling the top 3 tools with links so you don’t need to run here-there which will make your life easier;

1. keyhole

Keyholes is an incredible media monitoring tool that is said to be one of the best tools available. An important features this tool holds is; its great capacity to trace hashtags, keywords, and trends over various social media platforms in actual-time.

So simple; just add the tracker under the social listening tab and wait, the keyhole will automatically gather all the details and significant metrics in a sharable engagement, and view analysis.

2. Brand24

This tool stores data mainly from social media platforms, podcasts, newsletters, blogs, and forums, and also news sites. Brand24 provides a large range of filters, indulging emotions, influencers, or conversation types.

3. Meltwater

A trusted platform with more than 20 years of experience, Meltwater is a strong media intelligence tool.

It’s smooth tasks by monitoring social media, podcasts, newspapers, blogs, magazines, and articles. Presenting filters for emotions, impact, and interactions.

It offers well-organized data and comprehensive concepts and makes an effort to keep your brand up in the market. 


In the smart world where digital platforms are bread-butter of many; online presence can make your brand or break your brand.

Media monitoring is not adapted by choice, it is necessary. If you keep a record of how people are pursuing your brand, what competitors are talking and what media is publishing.

It can help your brand a lot in many ways and your organization can reach the height of progress.

We hope these details have helped you get an idea of what media monitoring is, how it works, who uses it, and what are the tools. If it does then do share with your connected PR friends.

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